Review of Online shopping: 12 Things I don't like about Shopping with Jabong
I love the Jabong website for the variety of clothing products they offer. The fact that they keep on introducing new and International brands to their virtual shelves, keeps me hooked to them.
My first shopping experience with Jabong was awesome too and it made me change my perspective through buying clothes online and also shed my inhibition in doing so. Yes, they have a very helpful, supportive and responsive customer service as well. And I bought a pair of Puma shoes and Sandals, online from them as well.
In due course of time, I became a mature online buyer. You may read- well experienced and demanding. Demanding in sense, that I want a good value of my money and time that I spent at their website. Along came Flipkart and my shopping with Jabong took a backseat.
Recently I revisited Jabong website to buy some new stuff. Unfortunately, my experience was not as good and I ended up returning the entire stuff back.
Here's what I ordered an "Abhishti Blue Sleeve Embroidered Kurti and Lara Karen Black Full sleeve high Low hem Georgette shirt with mandarin collar [Phew]
While the Mandarin Collar shirt was still decent enough [ the fabric was really cheap], the Blue embroidered Kurti was actually green and made of cheaper materials. It was delivered after weeks of placing the order and was as good that post one wash, you can use it as "washcloth" for mopping your kitchen floor. Yes, true it is. And with that, began a twirl-wind drive to return it back and claim refunds. The fact that it was purchased using a voucher and cash partially, made it even tougher.
The 12 things that I did not like about Shopping clothes online with Jabong [and some holds true for Flipkart and some other online e-commerce portal too]
1) You cannot try the cloth to see the size, the look and most importantly, the real fabric on you unless it is delivered to you.
2) They do not have an easy "Return" menu. One has to write to their customer care.
3) Multiple calls from customer Care starting from 9:00 am in the morning
4) Long and uncertain Delivery time
5) Too busy a delivery boy to ring the bell twice
6) Complicated "Return and refund" process. The details do not reflect on the website but you have to rely on the multiple emails they send
7) You can use the only voucher at time Honey!
8) The site does not have any functional "Favorite" or "Save it for later" or add to wishlist" button for stuff you liked but want to park for shopping another day.
9) Empty Tabs
10) The surf, book, receive, the return is a very time-consuming process
11) You cannot buy for instant delivery. Even though you request them giving some urgency for a particular stuff in the cart, expect it to be the last one to reach you. NO "one day delivery" like Flipkart
12) Bad Packaging
Dear, having said all of the above, I still like to shop with you, provided you heed y points and take them not as a complaint but an "Opportunity for Improvement". Competition is rising and new players are entering every single day. Trust me, you will become one of the most loved sites. You still are quite loved online portal. Maybe doing the above changes help us improve our shopping experience.
PS: As I write this, I have already placed two orders with for a sexy liebemode shirt that I wish[ed] to wear for Lakme Fashion Week tomorrow.
Having said, I must accord that Jabong Customer Service is one of the brilliant team among the different portals that I have shopped online from including Hey, rings a bell? Well, wait for the website review of coming on HauteKutir, soon. Also, there might be a giveaway. So stay tuned and add in to your surfing list. Interesting things ahead.
The views in this post is solely the opinion expressed by the author based on her experience. This has no sponsorship or offense intended. The idea is to share experience, suggestions and educate readers. If you liked this post, or have any disconnect with views expressed here, do drop me a mail.
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